Off the Rails Episode 36: New to the Q

Recorded February 11, 2022

QSC divides into two divisions, focusing on their pro audio products and burgeoning control and AV transport lines respectively. Is this a good move? Time will tell, but they certainly have the metrics to show what website visitors are looking for. Oddly enough, after this announcement, QSC held an event where they announced products in both lines. It was… weird.

Then we dive into AV replacement cycles, refresh cycles, life expectancy— whatever you prefer to call it. Do we set arbitrary schedules of 5, 7, 10 years or tie AV refresh projects to capital projects and building renovations. Marc tries to forecast 20 years out, Jamie had a plan that all went out the window, Larry bases his plans on PC replacements, Justin doesn’t have a budget, and Chris wants to upgrade everything when the first item dies.

Finally, we celebrate the little widgets, tchotchkes, adapters, converters, and odds & ends that keep our AV systems running. These products are truly the glue that holds the industry together.



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Off the Rails Episode 35: Glitch in the Switch