Off the Rails Episode 63: Acooterments

Recorded May 5, 2023

We start with a news story about making digital content accessible and that leads to a larger discussion of accessibility in AV.  Look for that on a future show.

Then we talk “selling” our campus clients on AV in order to deliver the experience they think they want; especially in conference rooms.  Marc leverages the client’s business case to convince them how to spend, Justin hates the word “sales,” and the rest of us are simply trying to drive prices downward on standard spaces.   Except Chris, who is the only one of the AVSF who actually budgets projects correctly including required specialized infrastructure, labor, and contingency pricing.  It’s an apples-to-oranges discussion, but Chris is correct and everyone else is wrong (because I write these descriptions).

Finally, we stay on conference rooms and share our thoughts on BYOM and why it’s not a thing.  Yes, we get it, you can make it happen with all-in-wonder packages, commodity AV hardware, and wireless doodads, not to mention larger switching infrastructure (unless you’re doing it via IP which requires none of that), but that all pales to a simple installed PC.


Alternate show titles:

  • Still cashing those checks

  • It’s just “effort”

  • The Easiest Way to Say No

  • He Called you for everything he shouldn’t have clicked on

  • And you realize it was nothing that was in the ticket

  • What you just said IS sales

  • Half-giraffes

  • They wanted to look good

  • Athletics is an Arms Race

  • I charge only in nickels and dimes

  • I don’t know what sales is to you all

  • All the shiny furniture

  • What’s an adapter?

  • There’s a lot of letters between I and O

  • You can bring your laptop and it will probably work


Off the Rails Episode 64: Goggles on and Gigging Frogs


On Topic Episode 32: I’m not much of a top hat guy