On Topic Episode 16: The Year of I Told You So

Recorded December 10, 2021

It’s a prediction show! Educause suggests 10 IT-related trends we should all be aware of and we decide they’re not in order, so we’re starting with number 6. As with anything from Educause, it’s highly-researched and detailed, but often just a little too milquetoast for our tastes.

Then the SuperFriends each has a prediction for 2022. Some of us are suggesting general technologies (blockchain, AVoIP), others are focused more on the adoption of various technologies, and Larry is concerned that after almost two years of working, teaching, and learning from home, that “good enough” will be seen as good enough and cause all sorts of integration and quality issues. Have we really lowered the bar that much? (Yes).

Article: https://www.educause.edu/research-and-publications/research/top-10-it-issues-technologies-and-trends/2022


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