On Topic Episode 19: Letting Our POs Hang Out There

Recorded March 11, 2022

Jamie brings an article that describes two very different experiences with warranty and support… of socks. It’s relevant in a weird way. And in a year when we’re having to be extra flexible with our choices of equipment due to the supply chain madness, it does raise the question of just how much that manufacturer support weighs in our decisions of what to specify.

Speaking of supply chain, let’s talk supply chain! Marc can’t plan for projects, Larry is wary of replacing anything until everything is here, Chris is using the summer for maintenance and staff training, Justin is tired of spending 50% of his time getting asked for schedule updates, and Jamie thinks 2022 might just be the year of deferred maintenance. We’ll check back in 12… 16… 26 weeks…

Article: https://www.residentialsystems.com/blogs/a-tale-of-two-warranties


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