On Topic Episode 29: A premium experience in their own pocket

Recorded January 11, 2023

This month’s topic is BYOD and why that’s a terrible idea all around. Wait, it’s not? Well, you’ll have to convince me.

We discuss BYOD for conferencing vs. BYOD for presentation only, BYOD for meetings, BYOD for student devices, wired vs wireless connections, why all wireless sharing appliances are bad, and even campus-wide iPad/Chromebook/laptop programs. Larry introduces the term BYODTRTMADETPIF and Justin again reminds us of his (in)famous Zoom Rooms.

Alternate show titles:

  • Anything that may be on your person




  • This topic makes me queasy

  • Bring Your Own Cloud

  • Bring Another Device

  • Bring Your Own LaserDisc

  • It’s either gonna work or it’s not

  • Non-Meat Version

  • Built into Meat

  • Bring Your Own Room


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