AV SuperFriends: Off the Rails - Secret Sandbox

Recorded May 20, 2022

We start with a new story about Morehouse College wanting VR for everyone. It certainly seems more viable at smaller schools, but we’re skeptical.

Then, Chris wants help creating a truly useful sandbox space. Marc suggests lots of infrastructure, Justin recommends an area for bench testing and a nicer version for outside users, Larry talks about the concept of “a safe space to fail,” and Jamie is building sandboxes all over campus on someone else’s dime.

Finally, Marc has a project at OSU involving VR and AR systems for agricultural programs and giving away devices to students. It sounds like a heckuva recruiting tool.

News Stories discussed:


Perspectives NWMET 2022 Episode 03: EWU's Dave Stewart and Alfatron's Kevin Gelman


Off the Rails Episode 41: Eight Years, No Touchy