Off the Rails Episode 41: Eight Years, No Touchy

Recorded May 6, 2022

Before the show even begins, Chris grabs the mic and expresses his frustrations with participants on video calls. It’s 2022 and there’s simply no excuse.

Then, Larry poses an interesting question: If we all had the funding and time to update or replace almost every AV system on our campuses, how would we do it? Would we stay the course and get a few years ahead on refresh cycles? Would we dramatically shift directions, capabilities, and platforms? Or, would we panic and flounder while paralyzed with indecision?

Finally, we respond to a listener question who wants to know how we onboard new equipment and track it through our various receiving, networking, integration, and support systems? While none of us have found one perfect software solution, there are some interesting options that don’t involve a shared spreadsheet…


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