Off the Rails Episode 40: A Flowchart Had Babies With a Gantt Chart

Recorded April 29, 2022

Hey, Rachel is back! Well, for the news segment, anyway. NAB was this past week and Rachel shares some insights into what trade shows might portend for the future.

Then it’s time to dive deep into the software we all use throughout all aspects of an AV project. Notes, task management, shared network folders, CAD, Sketchup, and everything in between. Also, if you’re taking notes on your phone, yes, we all think you’re texting. Stop it.

Finally, we all have gear that just won’t die and even after removing it from a system, we can’t bear to part with it because we’ll find a use for it somewhere, somehow. And in 2022, when DSPs are hard to come by, those old mixer amplifiers are looking pretty good…



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