Off the Rails Episode 28: In Your Hands, It Looks Huge

Recorded October 21, 2021

If you’re reading this, the AV SuperFriends have been to InfoComm 2021 and lived to tell the tale.  Well, at least two of us have (Chris and Larry).  Everyone else skipped it and have been removed from the will.

Speaking of InfoComm, we start with a listicle from rAVe Pubs about five trends to watch for at InfoComm 2021.  Were these accurate predictions?  As someone who attended, the answer is… sorta? And no, I did not look at IP-based KVMs.

Then we all share unusual support tickets that we didn’t see coming.  There were a lot of predictions about how this first semester back would go, and as we’re all past the half-way point, we can say that tickets have decided turned from quantitative to qualitative.  That is, lots of request for improving the hybrid teaching experience, and less about “it’s all broke.”  So, that’s good.

Finally, we introduce a new segment that we’re calling “Dinosaurs of AV.” We even have theme music.  These are items that really shouldn’t be part of a general classroom or teaching space and are due for retirement by asteroid. We’ll periodically return to this list as it will only grow over time.



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