On Topic Episode 14: We Got a Zoomy Zoom Going

Recorded October 15, 2021

This month we dive deep into the world of AVoIP.  It’s a thing.  The cost-delta compared to more traditional point-to-point transmission almost nil, the technologies and products are maturing, and it opens an entire new world of finger pointing and shirking responsibility! 

We first discussed AVoIP last October on Off the Rails Episode 4, so please give that a listen for more on how we’re leveraging it at our institutions.  Justin is still living in the wild, wild west of networking, Jamie is firing NDI down dark fiber, Marc is transporting all his production cameras over the campus LAN, Larry is building an AVoIP eSports arena, and Chris is swapping HDBaseT for IP in new general classroom designs because why not?

While we all have different approaches, one item we all agree on is to work closely with your networking team.  Some of us got lucky and just happened to be part of the Network/Telecom/Infrastructure teams and others had to go make friends to ensure their VLANs and Data ports were configured correctly.  If you’re not a first-name basis with your networking colleagues, you will be soon, so be proactive and get to know them before you start firing traffic across the network.

We also do a quick Lightning Round about our preferred managed network switches and we’re again all over the map.  Cisco, Extreme, Luxul, Netgear, there’s room for everyone!

And even after all that, there’s more to come, so stay tuned for the inevitable AVoIP part 3!


Off the Rails Episode 29: I Don’t Want to Go to That Room


Off the Rails Episode 28: In Your Hands, It Looks Huge