Off the Rails Episode 34: Hot Snakes

Recorded January 21, 2022

It’s a lecture capture spectacular!

The AV SuperFriends are joined by two guests, Michael Quinones and Raul Burriel, and with our powers combined… we are still unable to identify the perfect lecture capture system. Heck, we can’t even really define lecture capture. But that doesn’t stop us from walking through the earliest days of ITV systems, camcorders, VHS & DVD recording, and even famously abandoned systems like iTunes University (remember that?). We also review hardware encoders, capture software, local recordings, cloud delivery, and LMS integration. And, at the end, we all just use Zoom because that’s what instructors know.

Finally, Jamie shares a clever method for bootstrapping light video production switchers into his classroom systems. Despite everyone else’s reservations, it is something worth considering.


OSU Streaming Blog:


On Topic Episode 17: Smalltalk and All That BS


Off the Rails Episode 33: Looking for Champions