On Topic Episode 17: Smalltalk and All That BS

Recorded January 14, 2022

This month’s topic was supposed to be about the return of Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) and the upcoming HETMA Spring conference, but in light of ISE cancelling their show (again!) and “rescheduling” to May, we figured it was time to satirize the constant cancelling and rescheduling of large tradeshows and conferences by writing them an obituary. So, in loving memory… and such.

HOWEVER… online conferences are emerging everywhere and the AV SuperFriends will be presenting a session at the HETMA Spring conference this month, so go sign up and bring your best questions. The link is below.

This leads to our larger discussion of what the future of events will look like. Will we still have massive national expositions with tens of thousands of people? (Yes) Will we have more and more smaller, more targeted regional tradeshows? (Yes) What about mixed mode events with conference sessions presented locally, remotely, hybrid and everything in between? (Yes, yes, and yes).

Besides, if nothing else, Larry and Chris will be there.

Sign up for the HETMA Spring 2022 Conference: https://www.hetma.org

News: https://www.ravepubs.com/ise-2022-postponed/


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