Off the Rails Episode 44: It’ll Suck Gas and Run Like the Dickens

Recorded July 8, 2022

Marc starts us off with an article about new, high resolution and AI-driven optical microphones that will never be a product, but will be in almost every audio product in five years... and probably in your phone, too. If this technology goes where we think it will, it’ll be the next version of beam-tracking & beam-steering.

Then, with apologies to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, we apply the Five Stages of Grief to delayed AV projects (which in 2022 means every project). We discuss the client perspective as they experience denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We also share some of the analogies we use to explain to clients why partially received AV systems can’t be installed. Hamburgers and cars seem to be the most common. Also, Justin shares his terrible method of preparing hamburgers.

Finally, Larry has an idea about hand-me-down classrooms and we try to help determine if that’s a good idea, bad idea, or just reality.

Article discussed:


Off the Rails Episode 45: It’s a Buffet!


On Topic Episode 22: Saying it Smart