Off the Rails Episode 45: It’s a Buffet!

Recorded July 22, 2022

We start with an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education that asks why colleges and universities are constructing so many new buildings, but leaving older facilities to rot. We’re all guilty of focusing on the new hotness and ignoring the old and busted, but what will happen now that enrollment is set to drop?

Then, active learning rooms. Do they really need all that stuff (no) or all those options (no) or all those displays (no) ? Larry explains active learning as a food analogy, Marc suggests we focus on the students and avoid all the “stuff,” Justin uses software rather than hardware to avoid monstrous AV budgets, Jamie bemoans the lack of pedagogy and over spending of technology, and Chris has built way too many of these spaces all over the country.

Finally, AVIXA wants feedback on the CTS programs. We review the survey for the general CTS and share how we think the CTS holders on our teams leverage those skills.

Article discussed:


On Topic Episode 23: Take ‘em over and try to squeeze ‘em in


Off the Rails Episode 44: It’ll Suck Gas and Run Like the Dickens