Off the Rails Episode 51: See Like a Lizard

Recorded October 28, 2022 

In the news, Chris shares his thoughts from the recent CCUMC conference at UCF in Orlando.  Also, CCUMC has changed their inscrutable name to the slightly more scrutable ETC.

Then we’re joined by Jason Zapf from the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay to discuss how to (or how not to) provide hybrid capability in active learning environments.  While the temptation is go big and expensive, we all provide alternative suggestions to keep things simple and not over complicate an already busy learning environment. 

Finally, we hash out the recent push for the 21:9 ultrawide aspect ratio.  It’s not particularly new (1957), it will lead to detrimental compromises in screen element size, and frankly, it’s not going to happen, Microsoft.


Alternate show titles:

  • I hate everything about it

  • It goes all the way up

  • Hell, no… but!

  • Eat together, drink together, sleep together


Off the Rails Episode 52: Inadvertent Enablement


On Topic Episode 26: AV Turkeys