Off the Rails Episode 52: Inadvertent Enablement

Recorded November 4, 2022

Meetings! We love ‘em! We need more of ‘em! Or do we? And are all these fancy spaces we’ve built out to support hybrid meetings just adding to the problem?

Next we dive deep into the hardware side (and a few software bits, too) of selecting AVoIP encoders and decoders. We’re putting together a list of criteria, separating them into Nice to Have and Need to Have and are in the process of testing these all in real-world environments. Why? Because we aren’t going to wait until Q3 of 2023 and there’s a LOT of alternatives out there.

Finally, Jamie raised an interesting question: has the challenge in getting certain types of equipment changed how we get rid of old gear? Are we hanging onto equipment that would have ordinarily been discarded and sent to surplus in 2019? Justin has the best suggestion for how determine when something must be cast-off.

Article discussed:

Alternate show titles:

  • That One Special Space

  • Frustration Multiplier

  • It’s a Pixel Bus

  • I’m a regular person

  • Rookie-friendly

  • Just put a magnet on it

  • I cut ‘em up all the time


Off the Rails Episode 53: Just turn on the lights and they’ll scatter


Off the Rails Episode 51: See Like a Lizard