Off the Rails Episode 53: Just turn on the lights and they’ll scatter

Recorded November 11, 2022

Remember movie theaters? Enormous sodas, greasy popcorn, giant candies, and … Zoom? Have you ever wished you could combine the experience of a summer blockbuster with a Zoom meeting? Neither have we, but it’s coming to a theater near you.

Then we return to the topic of AR, VR, XR, and other Rs. Larry makes a cogent argument about AR and Marc broadens his definition to encompass nearly everything. Regardless of how we think of it, the application of AR in higher ed will be driven by students, so be ready. Also, the Metaverse is never happening.

Finally, Larry shares his thoughts on UNCG’s new Esports arena. What does he like, what would he change, and where is gaming leading us in the future?

Article discussed:

UNCG’s Esports Arena:

AVSF: Live! on December 9:

Alternate show titles:

  • An Owl Cam at the Movies

  • Where are we using AR today?

  • We’re just calling old shit “AR”

  • The AR-ish type thing we’re trying to do here

  • The Google Person

  • Real-time Fact-checking

  • Baby’s First Step was Zoom

  • According to Wikipedia…

  • That’s the Job!

  • No Cameras and Flashing Allowed


On Topic Episode 27: Holiday Wishlist (B&H Convenience Store)


Off the Rails Episode 52: Inadvertent Enablement