On Topic Episode 28: Let me get out my genie lamp
ClearOne and Shure settle their dispute, we review our predictions from 2022, and make bold claims for 2023.

Off the Rails Episode 54: The experience is terrible but they don’t have to push a button
Apple adds a collaborative whiteboarding app to billions of devices, designing AV based on expected lifecycle, and managing expectations of learning space technology.

AVSF: Live! Episode 02: Holiday Spectacular
It’s the AVSF: Live! Holiday Spectacular! Messages from the community, ugly sweaters, special guests, and more!

On Topic Episode 27: Holiday Wishlist (B&H Convenience Store)
AV stocking stuffers— AVoIP decoders, HDMI testers, NDI to USB, NDI decoders, and Dante remotes.

Off the Rails Episode 53: Just turn on the lights and they’ll scatter
Zoom at the movies, AR and VR again, and UNCG’s new Esports arena.

Off the Rails Episode 52: Inadvertent Enablement
Too many meetings (and it’s AV’s fault), AVoIP hardware, and sending old gear to surplus

Off the Rails Episode 51: See Like a Lizard
CCUMC 2022 is the last CCUMC conference… and the first ETC conference, options for hybrid capabilities in active learning spaces, and 21:9 is never going to happen.

On Topic Episode 26: AV Turkeys
For Thanksgiving, the AV SuperFriends all brought a AV Turkey to share. Marc reminds us of the nonsense of touchless AV control, Chris complains bitterly about wireless sharing appliances, Justin gave up on Stem Audio, Jamie rewinds to multi-cable digital video extension, and Larry despises digital signage. Turkeys all around!

Off the Rails Episode 50: Spigots and Tubes and Knobs
The difficulties students are having with access and with technology in general, interacting with AV consultants, and what websites we use when looking for or listing jobs

On Topic Episode 25: AV Nightmares
We’ve collected our scariest and creepiest tales of AV projects, equipment, customers, and support. Happy Halloween!